The 6 Features Your Professional Website Needs Now

Developing programming and coding technologies. Website design. Programmer working in a software develop company office

In the age of technology, it’s more important than ever to have a professional website that represents your business. Not only does it create a good first impression for potential customers, but it also serves as an online portfolio for your work.

Of course, doing this will take time, but there are a few features you can add to your website that will make it stand out from the competition and create a good first impression for new visitors. Here are six features your website needs now to stand out from the competition.

person drafting a web design

1. Professional website design

The very first thing your current and future customers need to see when they visit your website is professional design elements. A potential customer shouldn’t have to look at a low-quality design that isn’t pleasing to the eye. With a simple click on your site, they should see your high-quality, clean photos, and graphics right away.

A good way to do this is by hiring a professional web design company. If you are trying to save money, then you can try making your website. However, this might be counterproductive and inefficient if you’re not knowledgeable in designing websites. So, better to leave this one to the pros while you focus on your core functions.

2. Responsive interface

In addition to a clean design, the website should be well organized and easy for your customers to navigate. This means building a website that properly fits your devices, such as laptops, tablets, and smartphones. But keep in mind that this isn’t an option; it’s a requirement.

The reason for this is that the most common way to browse the internet is through a mobile device. Since your customers are most probably accessing your website through their phones more often than on their desktops, it would only be wise to have a responsive website.

3. Unique selling proposition

When your customers first visit your site, they need to see your unique selling proposition (USP) right away. This is not something that you want to hide; it’s the one thing that sets you apart from your competition. It should be the first thing that appears on your website, which is usually at the top of your home page.

Take, for instance, when you arrive at the website of Banner Solutions. It has its USP right in the middle of its homepage — “A New Kind of Hardware Wholesaler.” This tells customers that this company is different from the traditional, old-fashioned hardware stores often seen in small, local communities.

4. SEO-friendly content

As a business owner, you also need to be knowledgeable about how search engines work. For your website to rank better in the search engine, you need to make sure that your site has SEO-friendly content. This means using keywords related to the services and products that you’re selling, as well as meta descriptions and title tags.

When you write your website content, make sure to use keywords that are related to the kind of goods or services you’re selling. Since your site should be serving as a virtual storefront, make it easy for your customers to find the products they want right on your site.

5. High-quality photos and graphics

You also have to make sure to use high-quality images and graphics on your website. With a simple click, your customers should see the quality of the photos on your home page. This is another way to market your products or services, as good images can speak louder than words.

Remember, your website is like a virtual storefront, and potential customers will make a decision on whether to buy from you based on what they see on your website. Make it a point to use high-resolution photos and graphics to make an impact on your potential customers.

6. Social media integration

Lastly, you must integrate your social media accounts with your website. That way, you can easily update all of your customers regularly. If you don’t have social media accounts, then make sure to create them for each service or product that you offer.

For example, if you have a website design company, then your customers will want to know about the latest designs. In this case, they can follow you on social media as you share your latest works and designs.

It’s not easy to make a professional website, but by making sure to include these features, you can make the process much smoother. Doing all these may seem like a lot to manage, but soon enough, you’ll realize that they’re worth all the trouble.

The Author

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