Suspicious Employee Leaks? How to Approach the Situation


It’s not uncommon for companies to have a mole in their ranks. In fact, according to recent studies, about 33 percent of companies have at least one employee who is actively working against the company. This can be costly for businesses, as leaks can lead to the loss of trade secrets, proprietary information, and even customer data.

There are a few ways that companies can try to mitigate the risk of a leak. The first is by having a comprehensive employee background check policy in place. This can help to identify employees who may be more likely to leak information. The second is by implementing an insider threat detection program. This can help to identify suspicious activity early on and prevent any sensitive information from being leaked.

However, it can take time to approach a controversial situation. Suspicious employees might end up innocent, leading to legal repercussions. In other cases, the employee in question may have a valid reason for leaking information. It’s essential to carefully weigh all options before taking action. Here are a few steps you should take.

employees shaking hands

Talking to HR

If there is a suspicion that an employee is leaking information, the first step should be to talk to HR. They will be able to investigate the situation further and take appropriate action.

In some cases, it may be worth going to HR even if there is no concrete evidence that an employee is leaking information. This is because HR can help identify any red flags that might indicate an employee is at risk of spreading data. Moreover, every step of the process will be confidential, making it an effective strategy.

Human resources will try to collect as much evidence as possible to understand what is going on clearly. They will also try to interview the employee in question to see if there are any extenuating circumstances. After HR has conducted its investigation, it will present its findings to management.

It’s important to note that HR is not always impartial. In some cases, they may be more likely to side with the company over the employee. This is why it’s essential to clearly understand HR’s role in the situation before you take any action.

Conduct Investigation

In some cases, it may be necessary for the company to conduct its investigation. This is usually done if HR cannot get to the bottom of the situation or if management does not believe that HR is impartial.

When conducting an investigation, it’s essential to be as discreet as possible. The last thing you want is for the employee in question to find out they’re under investigation. This could lead to them destroying evidence or fleeing the country.

It’s also important to be careful about who you talk to during the investigation. You want to avoid inadvertently spreading false information about the employee. This could lead to a defamation lawsuit later on.

The best way to conduct an investigation is by hiring a private investigator. They will be able to collect evidence without the employee finding out. They will also be able to interview witnesses and gather information from other employees. They can also investigate outside the office, where most leaks occur.

After the investigation, you will better understand what happened and whether or not the employee in question is responsible.

Take Action

After the investigation is complete, it’s time to take action. If there is enough evidence to prove that the employee leaked information, they should get fired immediately. This will communicate to other employees that leaking information is unacceptable.

In some cases, it may be necessary to take legal action against the employee. You can do this if they have signed a non-disclosure agreement or stolen trade secrets.

It’s also important to consider whether or not you should blacklist the employee. This means they will not be able to get another job in the same industry. You can do this if the employee has leaked sensitive information.

Peaceful Solution

Sometimes, it may be possible to come to a peaceful solution. The employee may have a valid reason for leaking information. For example, they may be whistleblowing on illegal activity.

If you decide to take this route, offering employee protection is essential. This could mean giving them a severance package or offering them legal immunity. It’s also necessary to ensure that the information they have leaked will not work against them.

This option should only be used if there is no other way to resolve the situation. It’s also essential to consult with an attorney before taking this step.

Final Thoughts

You must take many steps if an employee leaks information. It’s essential for you to understand HR’s role in the situation and to conduct a discreet investigation. Once the analysis is complete, it’s time to take action. Sometimes, it may be possible to come to a peaceful solution. However, this should only be a last resort if there is no other way to resolve the situation.

The Author

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