Top Things to Do for Startups

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We look up to entrepreneurs who are years, some even decades into the game. Their rich experience we often overshadow with the glamour their brand is relishing. We often forget that behind all their successful investments are countless hours of grueling brainstorming on the planning board, lots of failed prototypes, and a track record of rejection.

Some businesses pride themselves on their longevity but only continue to thrive on a rotten system that’s stuffed with flowery words but is poorly executed. Although we fear to pinpoint, these same businesses have an incessant resistance to innovation and transformation, a young workforce targeted by unfortunate ageism and desperate for even just a bit of recognition, and just general neglect from the management.

Those who are just starting crave for success that’s in no way like that of archaic businesses who have only their age to brag about. But, very often they get too swept up in daydreaming that their startup will be all things ideal and forget to deal with the nitty-gritty stuff. How do these neophytes make that pitch not only sound good but do good from the get-go onward?

Comprehensive Plan

A plan is considered comprehensive only if it takes the good, the best, and the worst scenarios and the past, the present, and the future into account. Having a coach or even a trusted and certified financial planner by your side in the planning process will allow you to make a solid foundation for your business that can weather any possible risks. Having a plan keeps you from losing momentum and, therefore, pushes you to endlessly seize the best opportunities.


A well-thought brand is not only coining a very memorable name and logo but building an identity around that. That being said, it’s important to commit to a purpose, what the brand wants to contribute to people’s lives, on top of making it big in the industry. When the time comes the business is hit with a crisis or is in a creative block, there’s that purpose, that guiding star that will have everyone get back on their feet and strive anyway.

More imperative today is communicating your brand through a website, which is a portal for those who may be searching for just what you have, and maintaining an online presence through social media.

man speaking in a meeting

Solid Organizational Structure

Chains of command need to be established ahead to facilitate seamless decision-making and, of course, avoid chaos. Leaders and followers alike can work with better synergy when they take the company’s vision, mission, and values to heart. A well-built organizational structure with everyone knowledgeable of their specific roles saves you a ton of hassle.

Key Performance Indicators

Some entrepreneurs don’t realize that, while their ideas are good, they’re not feasible in the present or current circumstances. Businesses do not exist in a bubble, but rather are players conjugating in the same field with their industry counterparts. And so, early on it’s best to learn how these older players are faring in the game amid the current economic, political, and social climate, industry averages in other words.

It is also important to take time to discuss bases of measuring internal performance in your early stages that include financial, quality, operations, workforce development, and customer engagement. It would be better if you come up with those exclusive to your company and that reflect your unique culture. Having these laid down early on will give a common sense of direction and also give clear performance criteria for workers, lending no loopholes for under or over-rating, hence, preventing the emergence of freeloaders.

Corporate Social Responsibility

It may sound cheesy, but CSR is a must-have and it may even overlap with your overall purpose. It does not only help you promote your brand, the beneficial effects are often multiplied when you give back to the community. In the same manner, being advocates for a circular economy of responsible sourcing and manufacturing practices will work to your advantage and the community for the long term.

Even entrepreneurs who’ve grown businesses into millions of dollars sometimes fail to remember that a new venture is not just another investment, but one that requires intensive planning. So, it’s only right to maintain a mindset of responsibility, that you, having invested loads of your money and other resources into this rather big risk and so you’d want to execute only the best plans. Another major reason for you to not blow things up is the fact that not only yours but many livelihoods are at stake with how well your business pans out.

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