Key Lessons in Marketing to Kids

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The greatest challenge that advertisers go through is selling a product that their market may not be interested in. For example, picture this scenario. You want to sell water to children. Among the wide array of beverage choices, water may be the most boring drink you can have, especially so if you compare that to, say, a strawberry milkshake. Kids, unfortunately, feel this way. A research conducted by Nestlé Waters and Ipsos found that 65 percent of the children surveyed prefer to drink sugary drinks.

As a business owner, what do you do to sell a pack of water for kids? You develop your product to suit their tastes. You infuse the water with fruit flavors. That will definitely capture children’s attention. But the work doesn’t stop there. In fact, a huge chunk of the work goes to making sure that you exhaust the proper avenues to engage with children. And you can do that through effective advertising. Here’s how.

Create Catchy Music

Many studies around the world have found that children respond well to music. It catches their attention and helps them stay engaged with whatever you’re doing with them. This is why music is often used in primary school classrooms. It’s treated as an effective teaching tool. Even if the subject is, say, mathematics, music can still help children understand numerical problems when there’s a tune that goes along with the teaching process.

This is why creating iconic music for your advertisements for kids would be beneficial. You’ll be able to get their interest with a memorable jingle. If your ad becomes an earworm for them, then better. It would really make a mark in their minds. So the next time that they hear the jingle or anything that sounds like it, then they’ll quickly remember your product.

Use Bright Colors

Another common research subject in children’s education is the use of bright colors. They constantly find themselves attracted to colors that pop and quickly capture their interest. In fact, a study published in the Journal of Genetic Psychology found that children associate types of emotions with different colors. They develop positive emotions when they see bright colors such as pink, blue and red. Then, they develop negative emotions about dark colors such as black and gray.

This is why it would be good to use bright colors in your advertising to kids. Incorporate the basic colors from the color wheel in the packaging of your products, printed publicity materials, and your audio-visual presentations. If your advertisements look bright, positive, and happy, then you’ll somehow influence them to feel that way as well. And by inciting such positive emotions with your ads, they will be more encouraged to desire your product.

Make Your Ads Interactive

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This lesson is highly beneficial today when everyone is always online and engaging in social media. Whether we like to admit it or not, even our kids are quite adept at exploring the internet. So, as someone trying to develop ads for kids, you can take advantage of this attachment to the internet by making your ads interactive.

A study conducted by Dynamic Logic MarketNorms has also found that it’s easier to increase brand awareness with interactive ads. Such ads have a 2.9 percent rate higher than non-interactive ads.

How? You can create online games for kids to play. This way, they will have an enjoyable time playing your game. At the same time, they’re getting to know and engaging with your product. The games not only get them interested but also form a bond with the children.

Develop a Brand Mascot

We all grew up knowing and being attached to certain characters associated with products. How many times did we sit at the dining table and munching our cereal while staring at Cap’n Crunch’s face on the cereal box? How many bags, t-shirts, and stuffed toys of the M&M characters did we have while we were growing up?

These are the characters that we grew up loving. And because of such beloved characters, we also became attached to the products that they represented.

This is why developing a brand mascot for your product would help you catch the attention of children. If your mascot is particularly memorable for them, then they’ll be more eager to buy your products and other merchandise.

If we don’t do our advertising right, then children would be the most difficult audience we could have. They’re not like adults who digest information about products more easily. Children need more attention, creativity, and innovation. Although it’s a tall order, we can’t deny that it can be more fun to create ads for them.

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