How to Tell a Brand Story That People Can Relate To

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The social media landscape is increasingly becoming more and more fragmented and overcrowded that standing out among the sea of brands should be your top priority. With this in mind, branded content, no matter how relevant and well crafted, could easily get lost in cyberspace—that is unless it manages to resonate with consumers. But how exactly can brands do this?

Telling a Brand Story That Consumers Can Trust

The most ideal way to grab your target market’s attention through social media is to tell a story they can trust. Show them what happens behind the scenes and introduce the team behind your products or services. You have to let them in to some degree so that hey can understand what your brand is all about and how it can impact their lives. The key to this is to share real-world illustrations of how your brand can make a difference in the lives, and the best way to show this is through cleverly crafted videos. Show customers using your products in a manner that will relate to your audience. You should be able to tell a compelling story that will make prospective customers want to be a part of your brand culture.

Focus, Consistency, and Relevance is Crucial to Telling Your Brand Story

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Each brand has a different focus and thus, a unique story to tell. Some tell clever or funny stories, while others tell more touching and thought-provoking stories. Some brands solve a pain point, while others sell a distinct lifestyle. Sharing your brand story will help you build a more trusting relationship with your target market. And this story should resonate with your audience. Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Focus on a style that best defines your brand. Don’t try to do too much or you might end up muddling the message of your story. Select a tone that’s relevant and go from there. If you are leaning towards a more serious tone, consider black and white. Or if you want a more comedic take, go with it, making sure that everything’s politically correct. Consistency is key.
  • Create your storyline. Determine how your brand can improve the lives of your target market and create a storyline that will best capture that. Surveys indicate that the majority of prospective customers are looking forward to consistent and custom content from brands so they know who they’re buying from.
  • Consider hiring professionals. Make certain that someone in your team can create captivating videos and know how to work social media marketing. Otherwise, hire an outsourced marketing department that can do all these tasks for you. Take note that social media marketing will only work if you know exactly what you’re doing, so ensure that you get someone that will get the job done.

For your brand to stand out on social media, you need a brand story that people will trust and resonate with. Done right, telling your brand story will get you the attention your brand needs to succeed in this congested social media landscape.

The Author

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