Design 101: The Basics of Product Prototyping

man and woman testing a prototype

Have you ever imagined how your laptop or smartphone came to be? You might be using them for a while, and somewhere in your mind, you might have wondered how easy they are to use. These are the things that you may be considering, especially if you are a businessperson who is looking to create highly useful products and items. One understands that product design is one of the central cores and anchors of business operations. Your product should be beautifully designed and highly functional. You just cannot release it without trying it a lot of times; you have to find the loopholes and some mistakes that will affect its integrity. This is why product prototyping is important.

Maybe, you have already been dong product prototyping. The question is, are you doing it right? Whether you are running a startup that is already at this stage or you are looking for some ways to restructure your prototyping methods, you need to understand that there are basic factors that should act as the foundation. This is what this guide is going to tackle below:

It all starts with a sketch

Every product to be manufactured does not start as a product already. It starts as a draft, meaning it has been sketched. This is the practice that every businessperson should look at when producing the product. Whether you are building a car or a smartphone, there should be a sketch that will detail the functionalities, aesthetics, and usability components of the product. In this regard, it is wise that you seek the help of and consultancy of product and industrial designers. Once the sketch is made, you may want it to be more “tangible.” This is something that you can do by rendering it in 3D. You can use AutoCAD here.

Manufacture it

3d printingYou are prototyping, so the design should not stay as a sketch or a 3D-rendered vision. You have to manufacture it.  When you manufacture it, you can actually see the look and experience the functions of your new product. But, before you go for mass production, there is one thing that you should invest in — which is testing!

Test it

You are not the primary user of the product. You need to test your product among your target consumers and get their feedback for improvement. The comments you will get from your possible customers can also help in designing the assembly line where your products will be created.

Seek the help of a reliable provider

Sometimes, doing it on your own can be taxing. Testing, manufacturing, and then testing again can be time-consuming. It will not hurt if you ask for help. With that, you may choose to seek the services of a company that offers product design and development services.

Product prototyping is one important part of your testing stage. You want your product to be flawless and highly useful, which is why you should make sure that it is perfect before it comes out. During the testing stage, you will even get consumer insights, which can use for improving the design process and even the usability of the product.

The Author

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