10 Business Opportunities For the Young Entrepreneur During a Pandemic

working from home

The pandemic has caused almost all of us to turn to technology for our livelihood. This is why e-commerce and online jobs have seen a steady increase in movement over the past year. But that doesn’t mean that you’re only limited to them as a source of income.

Here are some options for young entrepreneurs to consider as viable business ventures even in the midst of a pandemic:

1. Virtual Call Center

Investment Cost: Low
Potential: Low

With almost everyone working remotely nowadays, virtual careers are getting more and more popular to the point that it has now become the new norm. Starting a virtual call center is not only helpful for businesses and companies to provide customer care services but it also opens job opportunities for people.

2. Online Store

Investment Cost: Low
Potential: High

Since the pandemic started and retail stores closed their doors, e-commerce has seen an unprecedented boost in overall sales. A lot of retailers and individuals looking to make an extra buck went online to sell their wares. It is a business opportunity that can get you good returns depending on where you get your supplies.

3. Import OEM Electronic Devices

Investment Cost: High
Potential: High

Everyone’s about technology nowadays. Despite the pandemic, people are spending a great amount of money on digital devices and gadgets. And because not everyone can easily cough up cash for an Apple or Samsung product, you can give them cheaper options by importing OEM products and electronic devices that perform just as well as branded ones.

4. Graphic Design Artist

Investment Cost: Low
Potential: Low

Graphic design artists are one of the more in-demand jobs today as more and more businesses and brands are building and establishing their online presence. But graphic artists can also be involved in a myriad of other opportunities from custom heat transfer designs to large-scale printing.

5. Food Truck

food truck business

Investment Cost: High
Potential: High

Restaurants and diners were one of the first few businesses that got hit hard by the pandemic. Some pivoted their business while others took a creative approach to adapt to the global health crisis. If you’re in the foodservice industry, investing in a good truck will allow you to bring your products to where the people are.

6. Subscription Services

Investment Cost: High
Potential: High

Many entrepreneurs, field experts, and consultants have transitioned to providing subscription services. They set up a system that invites people to subscribe to their website for exclusive content and material for a certain fee. The materials offered take on different subject matters where they provide a more in-depth and extensive discussion that will greatly benefit individuals and brands.

7. 3D Printing

Investment Cost: High
Potential: High

With manufacturers still operating at a fraction of their normal capacity, some parts and accessories needed for businesses of all kinds are in short supply. Launching a 3D printing business will allow you to meet some of those needs as the materials used for 3D printing are durable enough to produce substitute plastic parts.

8. Medical Courier Services Provider

Investment Cost: Low
Potential: High

One of the ways a young entrepreneur can serve the community, especially frontline healthcare workers, is to help them acquire medical supplies and equipment they need. You can start a courier services business that is specifically intended for the transport of medical goods and supplies. This helps ensure that more materials get to their hands so they can continue to render quality healthcare services to patients and the community.

9. Pick-and-Drop Services

Investment Cost: Low
Potential: Low

Most people prefer to stay indoors as much as possible to prevent themselves from contracting any harmful sickness and disease. This Is why pick-up & delivery services have become a huge success in this pandemic. You can build a team and run a pick-and-drop service in your community to help people send and receive important documents and packages in the safety of their homes.

10. Smart Home Contractor

Investment Cost: High
Potential: High

Even before COVID-19 swept across the world, smart homes have already been increasing in popularity with more and more people converting and automating their homes. As folks continue to upgrade their homes to make their home isolation as pleasant and as comfortable as possible, smart home contractors can help enhance home improvement projects.

People need not be limited to e-commerce and online jobs when it comes to making money. You just need to apply your creativity to meet people’s different needs at this time. With a little creativity, resourcefulness, and know-how, you can launch a successful business despite the current global health crisis.

The Author

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