How Home-based Businesses Can Build Credibility Online


One of the hottest trends in the business world these days are home-based businesses. Many already tried building their own startups at the comforts of their homes and many more are expected to follow suit. With the flexibility and lower costs of starting your own business back home, this makes as a desirable venture for entrepreneurs on a budget. One gets to eliminate the need to commute, be flexible with the work hours, and reduce their overhead costs. This is also another way to test business ideas, quickly downsize or scale-up, and even enjoy tax benefits for running the business at home

However, one crucial task that can make or break any startup business is its ability to build credibility. Since you’re still trying to establish your brand and not many people know your business exist or if our offers are worth the investment, you need to work double-time to fast-track to legitimize your credibility asap. Fortunately, there are several simple ways you can make your brand look legitimate even if you are operating at home.

Have a Legitimate Mailing Address

It can be tempting to use your real home address as your business address. But remember that consumers research on brands before trusting them. If they find that your listed business address is a house address, they will think your business is not legit and you lose customers.

Using your own home address also poses a safety risk. The last thing you need is random strangers sending you mail and packages in your own home that is not business-related. You don’t want your home address on your business website where anyone can easily find it.

Some business owners would opt for the P.O. box or a private mailbox to receive mail and packages. This allows you to enjoy better privacy and consumers will trust that you do have a legit business. You will be able to receive mails and packages the secure way and even get notified when something arrives.

Get Your Own Business Number and Corporate Email

One easy way to turn off potential clients is them ringing your contact number only to be greeted by our personal voicemail. Also, you cannot expect consumers to believe you are indeed a real business if you have a generic email address. You want your business to look real and professional, and not as a hoax.

A business number and corporate email can make a big difference in how others view your brand. So, make sure you create a business email address that matches your brand name. Get a business phone number so that every time someone calls for business, you get to answer it professionally and leave a positive impression on your customers.

Invest in Professional Business Website


These days, no one will believe you are a legitimate business if they can’t find you online and don’t have a corporate business website. Consumers want to know more about a brand before they bring their business in. Without a business website, it will be hard to establish an online presence and grow your customer base online.

If you have no idea how to build a website, then you can always hire a professional to do it for you. Remember that even if you are a one-man business owner, you can still delegate some of your tasks by outsourcing different services. This way, you can focus on the more important aspects of your business.

Ensure that your website contains our current business information. Keep it simple, easy to navigate, and incorporate all the basics. Include your contact details, what you have to offer, your products and services, and include a little something about how your business started.

Get Verified in Google My Business

It is crucial that your customers and target audiences can easily find your home-based business online. Do make sure to claim your business on Google My Business and have your business Google-verified. This does more than make your brand appear real, active, and trustworthy.

Claiming your business can help your business to show up in local searches. You get to entice online consumers to visit your business website, buy from your business, and boost your revenue. You can even convince old consumers to make repeat purchases for being a Google-verified business.

Engage With Your Followers in Social Media

It is not enough that you build your following on social media. You need to engage with them and persuade them to keep on following your brand online, avail of our offers, and recommend your brand to others. With a robust social media marketing campaign, you can accomplish all these.

Show your brand’s expertise by sharing fun, engaging, and useful content. Reply to your followers’ messages and comments on time. Build an online community to raise brand awareness and you can get more followings and customers in time.

Starting a home-based business can be both fun and challenging. You will face unique challenges that will test your patience and determination. Dedicate time to building your online credibility so that your business will look legit and ready for business.

The Author

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